Dan Shimon is someone who was born to do fitness. He started his journey as a teenager, playing basketball at all time high in the state of Israel. In his twenties, he decided to do weightlifting during an off-season, and he increased so much in size that he couldn’t even shoot baskets anymore. It became a passion turned into career when he left professional basketball and started working on personal training, inspiring others in fitness.

At this point in his life, he was in his twenties, single, fit, and doing his career successfully – an all time high in life. Late into his twenties however, he made a wrong decision that set him back into the darkest period of his life.

“My mental and emotional states spiraled down from this wrong judgment call, and I fell into an all-time low. I was still physically fit and healthy, but the quality of my life day-to-day was miserable.”

At Fit Collective, fitness is about making better decisions to live a high quality of life. When you choose to do fitness as a way of life, you choose to be someone who makes better decisions in health and exercise, better decisions in personal relationships, and better decisions about how you feel about yourself. It was at this low point that Dan devoted himself to fitness for a different motivation – he would show up each day to his fitness practice in order to turn his life around.

The more he showed up, the more he felt better about himself, and was able to make better judgment calls about his life, work, and relationships. Eventually and with consistency, he pulled himself out, and his life improved dramatically in a short period of time.

Fitness is demands high standards; it pushes you to be better than you were yesterday – stronger, healthier, fitter, and more capable of making good decisions. This is the experience Fit Collective brings to you, and the transformation you experience when fitness becomes a part of your life. When you do fitness the right way, you not only become the person you wanted to be physically, but also mentally and emotionally. You become someone who makes solid decisions, someone who takes responsibility for your own life, and who can handle whatever life brings. You become a confident person not only because you look good, but you also feel good about your decisions and bringing your best to your life.

“Because I had fitness as a way of life, I had created a safety net for myself that would catch me and help me back out when I made that wrong judgment call. Everyone makes mistakes; it’s part of life. But how we respond to them changes everything.”

Our Personal Training is designed to bring this experience to everyone, to help you create your own fitness journey and transformational experience, and bring to you a different way of life. One where you feel inspired to exercise, make good decisions to do good things for yourself each day. Our workouts are the difference between a good day and a bad one.

When you’re ready to experience your own fitness transformation journey, our team at Fit Collective is ready to help you create that.